Ubuntu process monitor that will keep script running
Ubuntu process monitor that will keep script running

ubuntu process monitor that will keep script running

Monit keeps its own log file and alerts about any critical error conditions and recovery status. With Monit, you can able to monitor remote hosts’ TCP/IP port, server protocols, and ping. Additionally, you can also use Monit to monitor files, directories, and filesystems for changes, checksum changes, file size changes, or timestamp changes. Monit has the ability to start a process if it is not running, restart a process if not responding, and stop a process if uses high resources.

ubuntu process monitor that will keep script running

This means you must have web server like Apache or Nginx installed on your system to access and view the monit web interface. The monit has a user-friendly web interface where you can directly view the system status and setup up processes using a native HTTP(S) web server or via the command line interface. Monit is a free open source and very useful tool that automatically monitors and manages processes, files, directories, checksums, permissions, filesystems, and services like Apache, Nginx, MySQL, FTP, SSH, SMTP, and so on in a UNIX/Linux based systems and provides an excellent and helpful monitoring functionality to system administrators.

Ubuntu process monitor that will keep script running